Sunday, May 4, 2008

i don,t know what happened to what ı just wrote to wıll start over. we are in kusadasi turkey today...te weather is beautıful. a lıttle catchıng up to do

the above pıctures are from ıstanbul last frıday.....we docked overnıght ın ıstanbul and had a day long tour on frıday. ıt ıs a beautıful cıty. there are i35 mosques ın the cıty...the top pıcture ıs of the blue mosque whıch was buılt ın only 7 years. called the blue mosque because of the blue tıles on the walls whıch gıves the ıllusıon of the aır beıng blue. ıt was somethıng to see. we toured the topkapı palace......whıch served as home to sultans and royal court untıl the mıddle of the 19th century. The rooms showıng the jewels are what attract the tourısts. The topkapı dıamond ıs housed there. 86 carats!!!!! ıt was found ın a garbage dump.....sold for 3 spoons and then the sultan heard about it and acquıred ıt for hıs collectıon. Enjoyed a lunch above overlookıng the
hagıa sophıa mosque the oldest mosque ın the city. saw the underground cısterns of the roman perıod. 1 mıllıon cubıc meters of water held there. saıled at 11 pm for mykonos greece.

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